1. National surveys are conducted to:
a. Estimate the political gains of presidents
b. Get the population of the country
c. Guide presidents whom to appoint in the cabinet
d. Assesses the perception of the people on cultural issues
Ans: b
2. During the census, the family was asked on the languages used at home. The response was:
a. We communicate only in Ilocano
b. We cannot communicate in Tagalog and English
c. We are fluent in Spanish
d. We are fluent in English
Ans: d
3. During the national census each household member is asked to give:
a. His earnings for ten years
b. His reason for staying in these house
c. His data - age, sex, language, etc.
d. His nationality and religion
Ans: c
4. Lately, students are exposed to a series of achievement test. Parents observed that:
a. Children learned through periodic teaching
b. Test were used for teaching
c. Teaching was test
d. Test are indices of teacher’s competencies
Ans: d
5. A fish tank, which is right rectangle prism, is 40 cm by 20 cm. If it is filled with water, what is the mass of the water?
a. 16 kg c. 15 kg
b. 17 kg d. 18 kg
Ans: c
6. Your salary deduction per month includes 10% for income tax, 5% for GSIS and 2% for loan amortization. Your take home pay is P8,300.00. What is your monthly salary?
a. P10,000 c. P11,000
b. P10,500 d. P9,500
Ans: b
7. Several cases of social problems have been traced to abuse or misuse of drugs. Commonly, drugs start out with smoking. The next step is in:
a. Smoking marijuana
b. Injecting self with heroine
c. Using shabu
d. Taking hard drinks
Ans: a
8. Vaccination early in age 1-5 is effective to control diseases like polio. What is the vaccine?
a. Salk vaccine c. Pre-measles
b. Anti-rabies d. Anti-B
Ans: a
9. Which stage according to Erickson is the stage of autonomy and shame & doubt?
a. Infancy c. Early childhood
b. Toddler d. Pre-school
Ans: c
10. If after calling on a number of students, a teacher is unable to obtain the desire response, what should a teacher do?
a. Probe student’s answer
b. Re-teach parts of the lesson that need re-teaching
c. leading questions
d. Rephrase the questions
Ans: d
11. Which guidelines on the use of chalkboard should a teacher avoid?
a. Limit your board writing to major ideas
b. Establish routine uses for the chalkboard
c. While writing, proceed from right to left
d. Talk to the chalkboard while writing on it
Ans: c
12. What is a sign of the underachiever in the classroom?
a. Frustrated about quality of work
b. Holds back from class participation unless sure of self
c. Minimum work output
d. Resists authority & carries on a power struggle with a teacher
Ans: c
Select the letter of the word or phrase that defines the CAPITALIZED WORD(S) in each sentence.
13. Jessa is taller than ANY GIRL in her class.
a. Jessa is taller than any other girl in her class
b. Jessa is the taller than other girls in the class
c. Jessa is taller than other girls in the class
d. Jessa is the tallest girl in the class
Ans: d
14. The hunter stalkes the wild boar slowly, cautiously and IN A SILENT MANNER.
a. And in silence
b. And also used silence
c. And silently
d. And by acting silently
Ans: c
15. About a thousand people GATHERED, THEY WERE THERE PROTESTING the construction of a nuclear power plant.
a. Gather, protesting against
b. Gathered to protest
c. Gathered for the purpose of protesting
d. Gathered, they were protesting
Ans: b
16. Which is not a characteristic of preventive discipline?
a. Reactive c. Anticipatory
b. Proactive d. Inventive
Ans: a
17. Which of the following is meant to determine student performance at the beginning of instruction?
a. Summative assessment
b. Diagnostic assessment
c. Formative assessment
d. Placement assessment
Ans: b
18. The results of this type of test as basis for remedial instruction. What is the type of test referred to?
a. Speed test c. Diagnostic test
b. Achievement test d. Prognostic test
Ans: b
19. Which factor is most likely to make a school’s guidance program succeed?
a. The favorable attitude of teachers toward guidance
b. Administrative support
c. A well equipped guidance office
d. The availability of a specialist
Ans: b
20. The value of education, deference to authority and filial piety in the Philippines is an influence by:
a. Buddhist tradition
b. Confucianism tradition
c. Hindu tradition
d. Taoist tradition
Ans: b
21. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and accountability?
a. Being vigilant about weights and measures used in the market
b. Payment of just wages to workers and employees
c. Equal payment of government employee’s productivity pay
d. Transparent in operation of the barangay and other organization through public reporting
Ans: c
22. Which of the following statement defines ethics?
a. The study of being general
b. The science of correct thinking
c. The study of the rightness or wrongness of human action
d. The study of the nature of human knowledge
Ans: c
23. A soda acid type fire extinguisher is recommended for putting out fires which involves burning:
a. Dry chemicals
b. Painted woodwork
c. Fats or vegetables oil
d. Insulation on wires
Ans: a
24. Which of the following is closest to normal body temperature?
a. 32 degrees F c. 100 degrees C
b. 122 degrees F d. 98.6 degrees F
Ans: d
25. A tourist chose his plane to Cebu. He chose PAL which ad says “Philippine Flag Carrier.” When asked why he chose PAL his remark was:
a. I’m sorry; I’m scared to take PAL
b. I doubt if PAL arrives on time
c. Oh, I believe other planes don’t carry the Philippine symbol
d. All right, PAL can be trusted
Ans: d
26. Which type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what he is due?
a. Commutative justice
b. Distributive justice
c. Social justice
d. International justice
Ans: c
27. In moral life, responsibility depends on one’s knowingly and freely doing an act. In which of the following situations would you attribute responsibility?
a. A person unknowingly passes counterfeit money
b. A nurse administer a medicine despite strong doubts
c. An insane person strikes someone’s head with a hammer
d. A four year old fires a loaded gun killing his own father
Ans: b
28. A bomb was dropped in an area where rebels were hiding. The perimeter of the damage area with 480 meters and width was 15 meters. What is the length of the damage area?
a. 200 meter c. 125 meters
b. 425 meters d. 225 meters
Ans: d
29. Which among these commodities are VAT exempt?
a. Corned beef and ham
b. Milk and juices
c. Flour and baking soda
d. Sugar and syrup
Ans: c
30. The price of gasoline has gone high suddenly. The gas station ordered 120,000 liters before the price increase; however, only 1,500 liters were sold. How many liters are now sold on the new price?
a. 112,000 c. 118,000
b. 11,500 d. 108,500
Ans: c
31. The ash from Mt. Pinatubo has been found to have gold content of only 20 parts per billion which is far below commercial levels. As such, officials have warned against hopes of a new “gold rush.”
a. There is new hope for boosting the economy of the Philippines
b. The gold content of the ash from Mt. Pinatubo does not have commercial value
c. There is a need to explore what else lies beneath Mt. Pinatubo
d. There is possibility of existing gold mines beneath Mt. Pinatubo
Ans: b
Select the letter of the word or phrase that defines the CAPITALIZED WORD in each sentence.
32. A BILINGUAL dictionary is very helpful to students of philology.
a. a single language
b. two languages
c. the second language
d. many languages
Ans: b
33. There was an ESOTERIC lecture on holography.
a. Cryptic
b. Straightforward
c. Under stable only by a select group
d. Irrefutable proof
Ans: a
34. The PANORAMA in Palawan is breathtakingly beautiful.
a. entire view c. live music
b. natural resources d. landscape
Ans: a
35. A patient collapsed due to her sugar level in the blood. What first aid must be applied at once?
a. Give a hot glass of milk without sugar
b. Give a glass of coca cola or sprite
c. Give a cold glass of coffee with sugar
d. Allow the patient to take hot porridge
Ans: b
36. At the onset of the rainy season, the epidemic of dengue is feared. Which practice is the best approach to prevent its occurrence in homes?
a. Submit children to vaccination
b. Clean the yards of breeding places for mosquitoes like old tires, cans, etc.
c. Avoid mosquito bites in the afternoon
d. Fumigate the house with smoke and chemicals
Ans: b
37. Which of the following is a misconception on pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB)?
a. Children of parents with pulmonary tuberculosis will inherit the disease
b. PTB is caused by a bad spirit in the environment
c. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be transmitted through blood extraction
d. PTB is transmitted trough kissing
Ans: b
38. The government has control of many government corporations and industries. What was deregulated and allowed to raise prices without control?
a. Oil industry c. Fishing industry
b. Mining industry d. Water source
Ans: a
39. Democracy refers to the involvement of all citizens in the control of government, while an oligarchy relegates control of government to:
a. The mother Country
b. A select few
c. An autocrat
d. A religious group
Ans: b
40. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication beyond the community boundary is the:
a. Fiesta celebration c. Tagalog movies
b. Television d. Zarsuela
Ans: b
41. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:
a. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults
b. Function as a contributing member of the group
c. Satisfy his personal needs and drives
d. Become an adult member of society
Ans: b
42. A group of Filipinos work in a foreign land. Which sad situation has been reported by the office of the overseas workers?
a. The men and women felt lonely and got entangled in due time
b. The men did a lot of overtime to maintain their new wives
c. There was observed relationship between sexes
d. A group engaged in drinking
Ans: c
43. In the Philippine government, the earliest and smallest services of governance is the:
a. Barrio c. Barangay
b. Poblacion d. Municipality
Ans: c
44. Hospitals usually required blood transfusion to patients in need of blood. There are religious sets that refuse bloodletting and transfusion. They are the:
a. Baptist
b. Catholic Groups
c. Buddhists
d. Seventh day Adventists
Ans: d
45. Child caring requires mind growth through proper intake of food. What elements is needed and why?
a. Carbohydrates be present always
b. Fat produces strength of the body
c. Protein build cells of the brain
d. Minerals should be present in all food
Ans: c
46. Not all microorganism are harmful. Which of these are done by yeasts?
a. Cause milk to become cheese
b. Cause Yakult to be milky
c. Promotes the rising of bread for baking
d. Encourage disease food
Ans: c
47. Where are flash floods on Metro Manila blamed to?
a. Overpopulation
b. Urbanization practices
c. Volcanic eruption
d. Clogging of rivers with waste
Ans: d
48. The decrease of fish in Philippine seas has been traced. What is the root cause?
a. Pollution of sea water
b. Exportation of sea products
c. Proliferation of nets
d. Destruction of coral reefs
Ans: d
49. All of the following statements about the routinely use of pesticides are true, except:
a. It results in the evolution of exciting new types of organism
b. It may not only kill the intended insects but also those that feed on them
c. Pesticides tend to become progressively less effective as the organisms become immune
d. Due to the widespread use of DDT, a new type of housefly emerged
Ans: d
50. The Nibelungenlied is a:
a. Russian folk song
b. Medieval German Epic
c. Latin Myth
d. Chinese legend
Ans: b
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