1. The main contribution of the Arroyo Administration in education is Republic Act No. 9155. This provision:
a. Started the national scholarship program
b. Renamed the DECS to DepEd
c. Conceptualized the K-12 Education Program
d. Established the study now-pay later system
Ans: b
2. The main Purpose of compulsory education of the constitution is to:
a. Prepare students to be lawyer
b. Develop students with into responsible thinking citizen
c. Acquaint students with the historical development of the constitution
d. Make student’s constitutional expert
Ans: b
3. Which of the following situations which violate the principle of respect?
a. Teacher B is giving special favor to students to please so that she can get a remarkable result in the evaluation
b. Teacher A tells her student that what teacher B taught is wrong
c. Teacher B, upon learning what teacher A did, asked the students not to attend her class
d. All of the above
Ans: d
4. If a teacher states that specialization knows more and more about less and less, hence it is better to be generalist. What kind of philosophy does he uphold?
a. Positivism c. Progressivism
b. Essentialism d. Existentialism
Ans: b
5. Teacher Paul is an inspiration to almost all of the students. His efficiency and effectiveness in the profession is truly outstanding. Which of the following describes this attitude towards him?
a. Naturalism c. Idealism
b. Progressivism d. Perennialism
Ans: c
6. Teacher finds teaching in a multi cultural classes very challenging. Which among the following choices will alleviate the difficulty of addressing these challenges?
a. She must embody a curriculum rather than perspective
b. She must nurture diversity rather than practicing domination and oppression
c. She must consider stereo typing rather than cultural identities and biased attitudes
d. She must welcome one sided view rather than the recognition of biases
Ans: b
7. Ms. Janina is the most admired pre-school teacher in her school. Which among the following can best explain her being a good teacher?
a. She endorses all the projects of the school for her students
b. She manages to instill control to her students
c. She gives easy exams to her students
d. She adheres to the want of the parents for their children
Ans: b
8. Teacher Vincent bought a hamster in the class during the lecture about mammals. The hamster is a device commonly known as a REALIA. Teacher can bring realia only when:
a. Workable c. Feasible
b. Available d. Affordable
Ans: c
9. When asked, students of teacher Eric described him as someone who knows what he is talking about. Teacher Eric therefore exhibits a power known as:
a. Expert power c. Referent power
b. Reward power d. Legitimate power
Ans: a
10. When choosing an instructional aide or device, the primary consideration of the teacher would be:
a. Suitability c. Availability
b. Cost d. Efficiency
Ans: a
11. To show disapproval to the misbehavior of the student, Teacher Paul clears his throat and looks intently at the erring. This classroom management style is commonly known as:
a. Direct appeal c. Dropping of name
b. Proximity control d. Signal interference
Ans: d
12. Which of the computer-based instructional tool can help you revise written work such as short stories and essays?
a. Spreadsheets c. Desktop publishin
b. Database d. Word processing
Ans: d
13. Ms. Agatep wants to show to her class a magnified picture of the Mt. Pinatubo’s crater fixed on a bond paper. Which of the following tools can she use?
a. Slides c. Overhead Projector
b. Filmstrip d. Opaque Projector
Ans: d
14. As a teacher employing the project-based multimedia learning (PBML) strategy, what are some limitations teachers expect from the encounter?
I. There is a need for extending the to use several media
II. The presentation of the product is not an easy task
III. The technology skills to produce a product maybe lacking
a. I, II, III c. I only
b. III only d. II only
Ans: a
15. B.F. skinner is a known psychologist and the one who first to describe operant conditioning. Which of the techniques is an application of operant conditioning?
a. Master learning
b. Process approach
c. Project method
d. Computer assisted instruction
Ans: b
16. Which of the following choices is considered as social force that affects the school and the curriculum?
a. Nature of knowledge
b. Learners’ characteristics
c. Learner’s style
d. Changes in gender roles
Ans: d
17. Which of the following is an expression of child’s interest in his body?
a. Comparing themselves with others
b. Looking at themselves in the mirror
c. Commenting on various parts o the body
d. Looking the picture of adult men and women
Ans: c
18. Motor development is satisfied by a particular child who;
a. Recognize the different sizes of toys given to him
b. Learns how to walk, run, steer and jump
c. Has playmates within the neighborhood & is popular among kids
d. Known how to control his emotions because he could not ride the motor cycle
Ans: b
19. Which among the following drugs is commonly used for children with ADHD?
a. Valium c. Retalin
b. Haldol d. Thorazine
Ans: c
20. What is the main reason why children with ADHD have limited learning skills?
a. Act on impulse and cannot concentrate
b. Must take stimulants which shorten attention span
c. Are given sedatives which make them listen
d. Are mildly retarded
Ans: a
21. Many concerned parents commonly make the mistake of:
a. Deliberately creating high levels of stress for their child
b. Unintentionally rewarding their children for creating stress
c. Attempting to protect their children from all stress
d. Unintentionally creating high levels of stress for their child
Ans: c
22. Stuttering is commonly caused by:
a. Problem with physical origin
b. Psychological consequence of permissive parenting
c. Side effects of authoritarian parenting
d. Result of fixation caused by conflicts during toilet training\
Ans: c
23. How can parents foster initiative and independence in children?
a. Mastering psychomotor skills
b. Encouragement from parents when a child plans carries out a task
c. Identity versus role confusion
d. None of the above
Ans: a
24. Which stage considers teachers, peers and adults outside the home important in shaping attitude toward oneself?
a. Initiative versus guilt
b. Industry versus inferiority
c. Trust versus mistrust
d. Integrity versus despair
Ans: b
25. When a child manifest mutism, self-destructive behavior and echolalia, the child might be showing the symptoms of:
a. Anorexia nervosa c. Dyslexia
b. Childhood autism d. ADHD
Ans: b
26. When a person’s moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of actions. He is most like in the stage of:
a. Conventional c. Post conventional
b. Concrete d. Pre conventional
Ans: d
27. What is the motivation of the person who paints for the sheer enjoyment of creating artwork?
a. Insufficient c. Extrinsic
b. Intrinsic d. Intrinsic & Extrinsic
Ans: b
28. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a characteristics of a teacher who understands the principle of:
a. Proactive teaching as a modem technique of teaching
b. Facilitating learning with emphasis on individual differences
c. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation
d. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques
Ans: b
29. All of the following shows respect for individual differences except:
a. Give greater attention to gifted learners
b. Treat all learners alike while the classroom
c. Provide for a variety of learning activities
d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
Ans: b
30. Students who are disobedient and display negative attitudes towards others are best handled by teacher who will:
a. Detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered to
b. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and the objects take back the order
c. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displays
d. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
Ans: c
31. Which of the following develops critical thinking skills among the students?
a. Asking convergent question
b. Blind obedience to authority
c. A willingness to suspend judgment
d. Asking low level questions
Ans: c
32. A child who always fights with his/her classmates, who has a very short attention span, and who has frequent tantrums is believed to be suffering from:
a. Mental retardation
b. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
c. Down syndrome
d. Learning disability
Ans: b
33. Teacher Elaine has been lecturing for more than an hour and she notice that students are not anymore able to absorb additional information. This phenomenon is known as:
a. Stagnation c. Boredom
b. Procrastination d. Plateau of learning
Ans: c
34. Planned ignoring, signal interference and proximity control are techniques used in:
a. Operant conditioning
b. Managing surface behavior
c. Managing temper tantrums
d. Life space interviewing
Ans: b
35. A foreigner who is studying here in the Philippines was turned off by the Filipinos way of eating Balut and Frogs:
a. Xenocentrism c. Colonial mentality
b. Ethnocentrismd d. Culture shock
Ans: d
36. Who among the following claimed that children are natural learners and therefore must be taught in natural settings?
a. Kohlberg c. Montessori
b. Piaget d. Froebel
Ans: d
37. The concept that learning to read or write does not happen quickly but is build upon many small steps that occur over the course of the child’s early childhood.
a. Innate literacy
b. Emergent literacy
c. Functional literacy
d. Academic Literacy
Ans: b
38. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are under:
a. Latent stage c. Phallic stage
b. Oedipal Complex d. Pre-genital stage
Ans: c
39. Laughing at two year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is:
a. Considering the views of others
b. Distinguishing right from wrong
c. Distinguishing sex differences
d. Socializing
Ans: b
40. The school director emphasizes the necessity of clean and green environment to contribute to effective teaching and learning. This is an example of:
a. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
b. Providing an atmosphere conductive to learning
c. Providing adequate physical facilities
d. Utilize educational technology
Ans: b
41. The teachers are facilitators of learning. Which of the following negates this principle?
a. Performs not only classrooms roles but community involvement as well
b. Focus background of the students
c. Familiar with the latest innovations in teaching
d. Uses pro-active discipline method
Ans: b
42. Which of these philosophies is reflective of the Dewey’s which s\tresses the development of an individual capable of reflecting thinking specially that of being able to solve the problem he faces individually or collectively?
a. Disciplinism c. Experimentation
b. Developmentalism d. Rationalism
Ans: c
43. The present military training in our school curriculum is an influence of:
a. Sparta c. Greece
b. Rome d. Athens
Ans: a
44. Basic education includes secondary education. Which of the following contributed to the establishment of secondary schools?
a. Reformation c. Realistic
b. Rationalism d. Human Education
Ans: c
45. The nearest to the real thing according to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience is:
a. Watching demo
b. Viewing images
c. Attending Exhibit
d. Hearing and listening
Ans: b
46. This is pre-planned collection of sample of student works, assessed results and other output produced by the students:
a. Anecdotal report c. Portfolio
b. Diary d. Observation image
Ans: c
47. Which of the following statements is one of the strength of an autobiography as a technique for personality appraisal?
a. It can replace data obtain from other data techniques
b. It may be read by unauthorized people
c. It gives complete data about the author
d. It makes possible presentation of intimate experiences
Ans: c
48. The present Philippine Teachers professionalization Act had its beginning on what period of roman history?
a. 295 B.C. - schools were elementary only
b. A.D. 100 - A.D. 175 - government increased its subsidy for education
c. 132 B.C. - A.D. 100 - Latin literature and grammar were perfected
d. A.D. 274-259 - government establish a monopoly on education
Ans: b
49. Whose philosophy influences the present emphasis on character education and values education in our school system?
a. Tagore c. Confucius
b. Gandhi d. Bonifacio
Ans: c
50. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be the foremost concern of teacher?
a. Discuss the projects of the school
b. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students
c. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the stu7dent
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the students
Ans: b