In accordance to Republic Act 10931, students will now be given free college education when they enroll to any of the 112 state colleges and universities in the country. This act was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte last year which gives CHED 8.3 billion pesos budget to implement it.
According to GMA 7, CHED is already working on the implementing rules and regulation so it will all be ready by June 2018, just in time for the school season. Comm. Prospero De Vera said students who enrolled in state colleges and universities will not only get free tuition but also miscellaneous fees. In exchange, students are required to finish their course as scheduled.
In addition, students, rich or poor, with high grades or not, can avail the free tuition from the government as long as they enroll in the 112 state universities and colleges in the country. Moreover, students belonging to the poorest family may get additional financial assistance aside from their free education. Of course, the government will verify first who will be qualified but it is reported that 500,000 students will receive the conditional cash transfer. Based on the news, qualified students can claim as much as 4,000 pesos weekly allowance to help them with their daily expenses.
All students who avail the program may be required to take up extracurricular activities as a return service program to the government. The possible activities were not mentioned in the reports but it is expected to be announced before June 2018. And aside from the free tuition, CHED has also given higher budget to different state universities and colleges so they can provide better service to their students. This includes improving school facilities and hiring more faculty staff. As for students who were not able to avail the program, not to worry as the government will also offer assistance to enroll in colleges and universities established by local government units or even TESDA which also provides free education/training to enrollees.