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Latest Social Science Reviewer 10: 30 Questions with Answers

1. The coastline of islands in the Philippines is twice that of the ________.
a. Africa
b. Caribbean Islands
c. United States
d. Europe

Ans. : C

2. The highest mountain in the Philippines standing at 9,600 feet is _________.
a. Mt. Mayon
b. Mt. Apo
c. Mt. Pinatubo
d. Mt. Kanlaon

Ans. : B

3. The longest river in the Philippines is _____________.
a. Panpanga River
b. Pasig River
c. Cagayan River
d. Iligan River

Ans. : C

4. Intervening the dry and wet seasons in the Philippines are months from__________ known as the Philippine springtime, the most delightful season of the years.
a. November to February
b. April to June
c. June to August
d. January to March

Ans. : A

5. The largest flower in the world is the one-foot diameter ______ which grows wild in the forests of Mindanao.
a. kamuning
b. banaba
c. kakawate
d. pungapung

Ans. : D

6. Which of Bohol is reputed to be the smallest monkey in the world?
a. Zebronkey
b. Pilandut
c. Tarsius
d. Bubalus

Ans. : C

7. Which is regarded as the Queen of the Philippine Orchids?
a. Liwayway
b. Tarhata
c. Waling-waling
d. Sampaguita

Ans. : C

8. The Queen of Philippine fruits is the _________.
a. durian
b. lanzones
c. mango
d. macopa

Ans. : B

9. The King of Jungle Fruits in the Philippines is the _________.
a. saging
b. dalandan
c. durian
d. duhat

Ans. : C

10. The Philippine national flower is the _________.
a. ilang-ilang
b. sampaguita
c. tsampaka
d. walling-walling

Ans. : B

11. The national tree and queen of the Philippine trees is the _________.
a. Kawayan
b. taguili
c. narra
d. molave

Ans. : C

12. The Arabs, who where excellent geographers and navigators, perfected the ________ a navigation instrument to determine the altitude of stars and planets.
a. astrolable
b. compass
c. telescope
d. sunglass

Ans. : A

13. Which is a Chinese-dominated former British colony Asian economic power which serves as a financial center and a major harbor for trade because of its strategic location?
a. Japan
b. Taiwan
c. Philippines
d. Singapore

Ans. : D

14. Which one is an exemplary nation of tourism and a superpower of finances and gold?
a. Canada
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Switzerland

Ans. : D

15. About 85% of gigantic waves called tsunamis occur in the _________.
a. Pacific Ocean
b. China Sea
c. Atlantic Ocean
d. Indian Ocean

Ans. : A

16. The Philippines lies on the _______ an area where many volcanoes are active.
a. rift valley
b. tectonic zone
c. ring of fire
d. epicenter

Ans. : C

17. The continuous masses of land surrounded by big bodies of water on the earth's surface is known as __________.
a. peninsula
b. continents
c. archipelago
d. hemisphere

Ans. : B

18. Of seven continents in the world, the largest is _______ and the smallest is ________
a. Africa :: Antartica
b. Asia :: Australia
c. North America :: South America
d. Europe : Oceania

Ans. : B

19. The largest and second largest of the world's island are ________.
a. Greenland and New Guinea
b. Borneo and Madagascar
c. Baffin and Sumatra
d. Honshu and Great Britain

Ans. : A

20. The fixed system of _________ time was developed in 1884 in order to follow new and faster methods of communication and travel.
a. analog
b. local
c. standard
d. digital

Ans. : C

21. Due to similar birth and death rates, ________ has a zero rate of natural increase in population.
a. Philippines
b. United Kingdom
c. United States
d. Japan

Ans. : B

22. Under which category does the Philippines fall?
a. Landlocked State
b. Island State
c. Coastal State
d. Archipelagic State

Ans. : D

23. Which statement holds TRUE of the Philippines?
a. The Philippines is far from the equator
b. The Philippines is clear and below the equator
c. The Philippines is clear and above the equator
d. The Philippines is far below the equator

Ans. : C

24. Environmentalists and linguists are in search of "Filipinizing" an unfamiliar term that came up during typhoon Yolanda. What is the term?
a. Tsunami
b. Storm signal
c. Field research
d. Storm surge

Ans. : D

25. Nobel Prize Laureate Elinor Ostrom asserts a viable formula for getting people of various backgrounds to work together for the common   good. This is known as the _________.
a. common goals/objectives
b. collective action
c. common pool resource
d. collective bargaining

Ans. : C

26. In the United Nations conference on the Law of the Sea, which group stood together against the doctrine that the international seabed and their resource are the "common heritage of mankind?"
a. Developing countries
b. Developed countries
d. Afro-Asian

Ans. : A

27. Geographers measure landforms by _______ or height above the surface of the ocean and by _______ from the ocean depth.
a. range :: width
b. height :: depth
c. elevation :: sea level
d. altitude :: longitude

Ans. : C

28. Orographic  _____ takes place when a moving mass of earth is forced to go up because of topographic barriers, (ranges, mountains, hill, etc.)
a. freezing
b. cooling
c. warming
d. heating

Ans. : B

29. Glacier _________ are formed by deposit of continental glaciers.
a. plains
b. deposits
c. mass
d. peaks

Ans. : A

30. The largest ocean which covers more than a third of the earth's surface is the _______ Ocean.
a. Indian
b. Atlantic
c. Pacific
d. Arctic

Ans. : C

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