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Latest Social Science Reviewer 15: 30 Questions with Answers

1. Without becoming actively involved in social reform what can sociologists do to advance social activism in their profession?
a. Increase social research studies
b. Improve scientific validity of researches
c. Urge more recent grants
d. Make their views known public issues

Ans. : D

2. Which area of sociology can be advanced so that it is not merely for speculative thinking of theories and methods?
a. Population studies :: on planned parenthood
b. Applied sociology :: for social change
c. Human studies :: on social ills, e.g. drug use, crime, etc.
d. Sociological theory :: for social knowledge

Ans. : B

3. To select a topic for social research, personal _______ can ensure enthusiasm in completing a selected study.
a. validity
b. feasibility
c. interest
d. relevant

Ans. : C

4. An anthropologist understands other cultures from the perspective of an insider?
a. Yes
b. No, should be from the point of view of an outsider
c. No, should be from the point of view of an anthropologist
d. Yes, if the insiders are literate.

Ans. : A

5. When acculturation takes place, what happens?
a. Members of the culture adopt features of another
b. Members of their culture disregard their culture and adopt another?
c. Members of one culture look down on other culture.
d. Members of one culture exclude members from other cultures.

Ans. : A

6.When you judge by results regardless of your relations to the people involved, which Filipino trait do you counteract?
a. Particularism
b. Supernativalism
c. Personalism
d. Non-radionalism

Ans. : C

7. if you keep seeing your way of doing things as the right way and everybody else's as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called __________.
a. cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. cultural pluralism
d. multiculturalism

Ans. : B

8. On what basis is the caste system of social structure and stratification?
a. Religious beliefs
b. Achievement status
c. Ethnicity
d. Inherited inequality

Ans. :  D

9. Which is considered as positive or favorable consequences of tough competition?
a. Personal stress
b. Achievement is stimulated
c. Cooperation is reduced
d. Social inequalities

Ans. : B

10. The Chinese minority group in the Philippines adopts the language, history, and manners of mainstream Filipino culture as its own. What pattern of interaction occurs?
a. Alteration
b. Accommodation
c. Amalgamation
d. Acculturation

Ans. : D

11. Which illustrate horizontal mobility in the social ladder?
a. The promotion of a teacher to principal.
b. The demotion from principal to teacher.
c. A teacher remains as a teacher in the same school.
d. A teacher leaves for the same position at another school.

Ans. : C

12. Karl Marx divided industrial society into bourgeoisie and proletariat.
What was one of his major bases of classification?
a. Gender role and classification?
b. Racial and ethnic origins
c. Whether or not they have royal or noble blood
d. Whether or not they own the means of production

Ans. : D

13. Which of the following may result at the departure country when
Filipino professionals emigrate to other countries?
a. brain drain
b. ethnic diversity
c. population increase
d. culture shock

Ans. : A

14. If a Catholic researcher makes a study on polygamy as practiced in
Islam, what influence will likely add subjectivity to his/her findings?
a. Cultural gap
b. Economic difference
c. Religious bias
d. Class distinction

Ans. : C

15. If government sponsors a research on social poverty, what factor will
likely influence the research?
a. Timeliness of study
b. Lack of funding
c. Scope of research
d. Political criticism

Ans. : D

16. What attitude is needed before one engages in data-gathering for
a. Return investment for firm
b. Corporate social responsibility
c. Press relations for company
d. Philanthropic dole-out

Ans. : B

17. what attitude is needed before one engages in data- gathering for research?
a. Prejudgment on result
b. Bias on hypothesis
c. Open-minded skepticism
d. Inadequacy in time

Ans. : C

18. When are laws said to be unscientific? When laws ________.
a. serve political interests
b. are not supported by research
c. focus on funding allocation
d. are irrelevant

Ans. : B

19. How should social scientist view culture?
a. Difference in mores of people
b. Refinement in the arts
c. All facets of social life
d. Ways of ethical conduct

Ans. : C

20. Color, emblem, gestures, designs, words are part of __________ language that makes man different from animals.
a. symbolic
b. material
c. denotative
d. abstract

Ans. : A

21. The value marker of ___________ is conveyed by the EDSA people power revolution.
a. human rights
b. justice
c. freedom
d. integrity

Ans. : C

22. What issue is controversial for church people but is a need of secular society?
a. Birth control
b. Social media
c. Human rights
d. Information bill

Ans. : A

23. Which can explain the fact that we still observe the nod of respect (mano po) to our elders as our forebears?
a. Punishment for lack of respect
b. Modeling (gaya-gaya)
c. Folkways change slowly
d. Herd mentality

Ans. : C

24. What constitutional reform did Filipino constitutionalists including those who framed the Malolos Constitution introduce to eliminate the dominance of the church over the state?
a.  Expulsion of friars
b. Taxation on religious schools
c. Prohibiting religious from political meddling
d. Separation of church and state

Ans. D

25. What could you accept as true from the varied propositions of Herbert Spencer?
a. Societies complete by way of survival of the fittest
b. Societies develop from simplicity to complexity
c. Social development should not be interfered by legislators
d. Planned change will disrupt the evolution of society.

Ans. : B

26. The following facts show Emile Durkheim has reason to assume that individuals are products, not creators of society EXCEPT __________.
a. laws impose conformity
b. man's behavior follows customs
c. moral codes declare
d. systems are made by man

Ans. : D

27. Which explains Spencer's theory of progressive evolution of human societies?
a. Societies inevitably progress.
b. Societies have to adapt to survive or else perish
c. Societies have to complete to survive
d. Human individuals adapt but not human societies.

Ans. : B

28. Fr. Reuter wrote : In a survey in Asia, they discovered that the happiest people in Asia are the Filipinos. The most miserable are the Japanese. The Japanese have money. We don't have money, but we have the smile, the warm embrace, the song, the laughter, the joy of living." What does this prove?
a. That the Filipinos don't care are about material wealth.
b. That the Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people.
c. That the Filipinos are rich in the treasures of the spirit.
d. That the Filipinos are healthy and happy people.

Ans. : C

29. If there is anything positive in "ningas-cogon" Filipino trait, which one?
a. It makes a person detached
b. It renders one inactive
c. It makes one unable to initiate things
d. It makes one persevere

Ans. : A

30. Arctic dwellers have ice and snow houses, and desert dwellers have animal skin tents; in windy Batanes are heavy limestone shelters, and in other areas are light bamboo and grass huts. The main reason for these cultural variations is ___________.
a. isolation
b. technology
c. environment
d. biological differences

Ans. : C

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