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(LATEST) 2018 Prof Ed Reviewer: 30 Questions with Answer Part 1

A.Foundation of Education, Sociological Philosophical Gen. & Educational Psychological legal & Ethical Laws.

1.” Freedom and authority  are not  antagonistic, moreover, freedom is legitimate  off spring  of authority” Which of the following  situation  best  illustrate  the above principle?

  a. apparent and teachers  personifying  authority  and discipline.
  b. Children  learn  freedom   by  being inhibited  in  their  conduct.
  c. students are free to do what law  allows.
  d. teacher carries  a mantle  of authority  on a domineering  manner.

Ans: b

2.The relationship between education and culture tends  to be cyclical. This  means that __________________.

a. the school serves  as a channel  where  individuals  learn  their  culture
b. it is the school’s primary function  to  transmit  culture  and  is an  agent  of  change.
c. the school system transmit   culture and  the  classroom  is  the   agent  of  transmission.
d. The school is  shaped  by  culture  and  culture  is, in turn,  influence  by  the  school.

Ans: c

3. According  to J. Dewey, “Education  is   continuous  process  of  experiencing and  revising  or   reorganizing experiences. This  means  that  education_____________________.

a. takes  place   formally  or   informally  to  enable  the individual  to go
b. is  never  completed  and goes  on throughout life.
c. make take  place   anywhere and anytime  the   individual desires
d. takes    place in   school  where  learner   is  expose  to  specific,  self-contained  experiences.

Ans: c

4.Which  of    the  current  classroom practices  is  influenced by  Skinner’s  Operant   Conditioning?

a. connection  between  stimulus  and  response
b. involuntary   response  to  a  stimulus
c. reinforcement  of  correct   practices
d. progression   of   subordinate  learning

Ans: c

5.The   primary objective   of  bilingual  education   is  to   prepare  learners  to  be _____________________

a. globally   competitive 
b. proficient  in  Filipino  and   other  major  dialects
c. proficient  in  both    English   and   Filipino 
d. proficient  in  Filipino  and  other   foreign  language

Ans: a

6.  The   Principle of Individual  differences   require   teachers  to _________________.

a. give   more   attention  to the   gifted  students
b. treat  all  learners  alike  while    in  the  classroom
c. provide   varied   learning  activities  to   suit   individuals  needs
d. provide   modules for  slow  learners   in  the  class

Ans: c

7.”All  learning  is   bond-connecting.” Which  of  the  following  is  this  principle  not  applicable?

                    a.  attitudes                         b. reflexes                          c. skills                       d.   habit

Ans: b

8.Which  of  the   following   statements    regarding   professional  teachers   is   the   major   difference   in  the professionalizing of   teachers   and   teaching  as   imbodied  in  PD   1006  and  R.A.7836?

a. appointed   on full   time  basis   and  on  permanent   status.
b. holder   of   valid   professional certificate   of   registration 
c. assigned   at  the  tertiary  level  in  both   private  and   state   colleges  and  universities
d. assigned   at  the   elementary   and   secondary    levels  in   both     public  and   private  schools

Ans: b

9. How  is   Values  EDUCATION  offered   in  the  National   Secondary  Education   Curriculum  (NESC)

a. integrated   in   all  subjects   areas
b. offered   as  a   separate   subject
c. emphasized   in  MAKABAYAN  subjects
d. integrated   with   T.H.E  subjects

Ans: b

10.   What   is   the  most   important  principle  that  a   teacher   should   follow  in   initiating   a  program  of   positive   reinforcement?

a. conduct  peer  approval  and   recognition 
b. punish   negative   behaviour   and   reward   positive   behavior
c. provide   regular   opportunities   for  socially  acceptable  bahaviour
d. reward   should  come  immediately    after  appropriate  bahaviour

Ans: d

11.   The   history   curriculum   development includes  the    hidden   curriculum   approach.  What   is   the   context   emphasis   of  this   approach?

a.  introspection   and   choice 
b.  student experiences   and   activities
c.  implicit   processes and  social  norms
d.  student needs   and   interests

Ans: d

12.   What   type   of   justice   implies the   duty  of  one   individual   to  give  another  what    is  due  him?
  a. distributive  justice                                        c. social    justice
     b. commutative   justice                                     d. penal   justice

Ans: c

13.   Which   thrust on  values   formation  is  intended   to  help   the  students  identify   and   be   aware   of   their  values?
  a.   values   integration                                     c.   values   enhancements
     b.  values   clarification                                     d.  moral    development

Ans: b

14.   Which   among    these    goals     for   change   is   espoused   by  the   “Moral   Recovery   Program?”

a.  sense   of   justice, sense of   national   pride and   of  seriousness
b.  sense   of   national pride,   sense   of  seriousness   and   sense   of  common  good
c.  sense   of seriousness, of  common goal  and sense  of justice  and  out  range  over  its  violations
d. sense of national  pride,  of  common good  of  justice   and outrage  over  its  violations

Ans: c

15.  Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and good governance ?

a. transparency in barangay operations and other organizations thru public reporting
b. vigilance in the use of weights and measures used in the market
c. equal payment  of  government  employees  productivity  pay
d. payment of just wages  to workers and employees

Ans: a

16. Which statement holds true to values clarification?

a. values are independent of time, place and persons; is meant to help students get at their own feelings and idea
b. no person has the right set of values to pass on to others; is meant to let the students understand their own feelings, ideas and beliefs
c. Values are objective
d. Values are independent of time

Ans: c

17. Which of the following is NOT a goal of true authority?

a. to help, form and guide others
b. to set examples for/to others
c. to coerce others to do what the authorities want them to do
d. to bring out the best in others

Ans: c

18. The Philippine Education Act of 1982 define the areas of the three levels of educational system. What is the mission of the elementary education?

a. to mound an effective and efficient teacher
b. to establish a relevant and responsive quality education
c. to produce an enlightened, disciplined, creative and productive citizen
d. create a modern and up-to-date methods of teaching and materials

Ans: d

19. Free public elementary and secondary education line with the government’s effort to address educational problems of ____________________.

a. productivity                                             c.  effectiveness and  efficiency
b. relevant and quality                                 d. access and equity

Ans: c

20. “Men are built not born” as what John Watson said. This statement points to ________________.

a. effect of heredity
b. absence of genetic influence on a person’s development
c. effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development
d. ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development

Ans: b

21. What does “Developmentally Appropriate Practice type of schooling focus on?
I.  Typical development patterns of children
II. Uniqueness of each child
III. Direct Instructions
a. I&III                                  b. I&II                           c. II&III                d. II only

Ans: b

22. For Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is sexual in nature while for  Erickson, it is _______________  in nature.

a.  social                                  b. physical                  c.  cultural          d. biological

Ans: a

23. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to______________

a. fill the minds of the learner with information
b. make the learning task easy for the student
c. help the learner connect what he knows with the new information learned
d. dictate upon the learner what he should learn and know

Ans: c

24. Researchers conducted show that the teacher’s expectances of students often become  self-fulfilling prophecies. This phenomenon is called _________________.

a.  Halo effect                                                         c.   Ripple effect
b. Hawthorne effect                                                 d. Pygmalion effect

Ans: d

25. Which of the following NOT synonymous to performance objective?

a. Teachers objective                                              c. Instructional objectives
                b. Learners objectives                                             d. Behavioral objectives

Ans: b

26. Individual differences, when recognize early, will enable the teacher to provide different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning process. Each learner differs physically
Mentally, socially and emotionally. Unless the teacher provides for these differences, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can produce favorable results. This paragraph emphasizes that___________________.

a. There is a need for motivating learning
b. Individual differences  is  an important factor in guiding the learner
c. Focus should be on teacher-learner relationship
d. It’s the nature of learning process

Ans: b

27. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in physical appearance, certain attributes are constant. This is ________________________.

a.   reservation                                                        c. integration
b. construction                                                        d.  conservation

Ans: c

28. The level of mental maturity needed for a pupil to maximize learning opportunities can be determined ____________________.

a. upon reaching the age of seven
b. approximately at age five
c. at a level that varies from task to task
d. by administering readiness

Ans: a

29. Stage where children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models.

a. period of morality by constraint                     c. mental age
b. post-conventional morality                            d. metacognition

Ans: a

30. The human evocative approach and the 4 A’s end with___________________.

a.  generalization                                      c.  application
b. analysis                                               d. adaptation

Ans: c

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